Source code for snake.game_io

from collections import deque
import time
import curses
from threading import Thread, Lock
import os

[docs]class GameIO: """ Controls the game's input and output. This class should simply be initialized, it won't return until the :class:`.SnakeGame` has finished, see example below. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python game = SnakeGame( board_size=(25, 25), walls=(), random_seed=12, ) # Take over IO and run the game. GameIO(game) """
[docs] def __init__( self, game, speed=0.1, player_name='player', score_file='scores' ): """ Initialize an instance of :class:`GameIO`. Parameters ---------- game : :class:`.SnakeGame` An instance of the snake game for which the io is being controlled. speed : :class:`float` The time between game steps. player_name : :class:`str`, optional The name of the player, used to write the name into the :attr:`_score_file`. score_file : :class:`str`, optional The path to a file which keeps track of scores. """ self._game = game self._player_name = player_name self._speed = speed self._score_file = score_file self._lock = Lock() curses.wrapper(self._run)
def _run(self, stdscr): """ Run the game while handling IO. Parameters ---------- stdscr : :class:`curses.window` A :class:`curses.window` which represents the entire terminal screen. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ # Set up curses. self._stdscr = stdscr stdscr.keypad(True) curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.curs_set(0) # Create the game window. self._create_game_window() # Create the score window. self._create_score_window() # Create the high scores window. self._create_high_scores_window() # Start capturing input from the user. input_thread = Thread(target=self._capture_inputs) input_thread.start() # While the game is running, render it. for step in self._game.run_stepwise(): self._render() time.sleep(self._speed) # When the game stops, do a cleanup. self._cleanup() input_thread.join() # Write the score to the score file. score = self._game.get_snake_length() with open(self._score_file, 'a') as f: f.write(f'{self._player_name} {score}\n') def _render(self): """ Render the game. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ with self._lock: self._game_window.erase() self._game_window.border() for x, y in self._game.get_walls(): self._game_window.addch(y+1, x+1, '█') for x, y in self._game.get_snake(): self._game_window.addch(y+1, x+1, 'X') apple_x, apple_y = self._game.get_apple() self._game_window.addch(apple_y+1, apple_x+1, 'O') # Write the score. score = self._game.get_snake_length() self._score_window.erase() self._score_window.addstr(0, 1, f'SCORE: {score}') self._score_window.refresh() def _cleanup(self): """ Cleanup the screen. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ self._capturing_inputs = False curses.nocbreak() self._stdscr.keypad(False) curses.echo() curses.endwin() def _capture_inputs(self): """ Capture inputs from the keyboard and send them to the game. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ # The keyboard sends the input as a stream of numbers. These # numbers represent the respctive arrow keys being pressed. down = deque([27, 91, 65]) up = deque([27, 91, 66]) right = deque([27, 91, 67]) left = deque([27, 91, 68]) input_bytes = deque(maxlen=3) self._capturing_inputs = True while self._capturing_inputs: with self._lock: # Don't wait for the user to send a keypress. If # you do, the game will likely hang at the end. self._game_window.nodelay(True) key = self._game_window.getch() self._game_window.nodelay(False) input_bytes.append(key) if input_bytes == up: self._game.queue_snake_movement_direction('up') elif input_bytes == down: self._game.queue_snake_movement_direction('down') elif input_bytes == left: self._game.queue_snake_movement_direction('left') elif input_bytes == right: self._game.queue_snake_movement_direction('right') def _create_game_window(self): """ Create the window holding the game. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ width, height = self._game.get_board_size() # Allow space for the border. width, height = width+2, height+2 self._game_window = curses.newwin(height, width, 0, 0) def _create_score_window(self): """ Create the window holding the player's current score. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ width, height = self._game.get_board_size() # Allow space for the border. width, height = width+2, height+2 self._score_window = curses.newwin(4, width, height, 0) def _create_high_scores_window(self): """ Create the window holding the high scores. Returns ------- None : :class:`NoneType` """ # Create the game window. width, height = self._game.get_board_size() # Allow space for the border. width, height = width+2, height+2 self._high_scores_window = curses.newwin(32, 32, 0, width) self._high_scores_window.border() self._high_scores_window.addstr(1, 10, 'HIGH SCORES') self._high_scores_window.addstr(2, 10, '-----------') if os.path.exists(self._score_file): scores = sorted(self._get_scores(), reverse=True) for i, (score, _, name) in enumerate(scores[:15]): self._high_scores_window.addstr(4+i, 1, f'{i+1}.') self._high_scores_window.addstr(4+i, 4, name) self._high_scores_window.addstr(4+i, 14, f'{score}') self._high_scores_window.refresh() def _get_scores(self): """ Get the scores written in :attr:`_score_file`. Yields ------ :class:`tuple` A :class:`tuple` holding the score, line number, and name, respectively. """ with open(self._score_file, 'r') as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): name, score = line.split() yield int(score), i, name